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World Suicide Prevention Day Webinar Series 2020

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We are super proud of our 2021 World Suicide Prevention Webinar Series and the high quality of presentations. Each webinar is delivered by expert clinicians, experienced and familiar with the intersection of research and practice. Information is 'no fluff' and reflects exactly what you want to know on each topic.

All webinars deliver amazing insights according to the theme of Working Together to Prevent Suicide. In addition to viewing these excellent presentations, you have reading notes and essential reflection points.

1. What is evidence-based practice in suicide-prevention, presented by Dr Kaine Grigg.

Dr Kaine Grigg, our esteemed WA consultant, will explore what it means to deliver 'evidence-based', and'evidence-informed' suicide prevention interventions. In addition, the role of collaborative intervention approaches underpinning all therapeutic encounters.  We will identify which 'direct' suicide therapies are preferred and why.


2. The role of connectedness in suicide prevention, presented by Dr Katie McGill

Dr Katie McGill, will explore the role of connectedness in building connections to life and hope, where someone may be experiencing suicidality . She will reflect on the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide as a principle underpinning connectedness. Katie will offer her top 5 tips to enhancing quality connections with others that you can apply in your practice.


3. What is ‘collaborative care’ in the context of suicide prevention? presented by Terrena Betterridge

Terrena Betterridge, Clinical Nurse Specialist in Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD), will explore the importance of collaborative care practices and some of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in our sector.  She will reflect on the SRAA framework for client centred collaborative care, offering 5 tips to support clinicians to enhance their existing practices.


4. Establishing systems that facilitate collaborative care, presented by Tegan Cotterill

Tegan Cotterill, will explore some of the key aspects to implementing systems into your practice that facilitate effective collaborative care approaches, between clients, treatment providers and other nominated people. She will also offer her insights and top tips on how to ensure you are excelling in your approach to supporting people who may be suicidal.


5. How the workplace can contribute to suicide prevention, presented by Chanel Nesci

Chanel Nesci, Organisational Psychologist based in South Australia, will explore some of the concerns and challenges faced by workplaces in implementing suicide prevention initiatives. She will highlight some of the amazing opportunities for workplaces to engage collaboratively with their employees and other key stakeholders, to make real advances in this area. Chanel will share her top 6 tips for effective leadership engagement.


6. Establishing effective collaborative practices between treatment providers, presented by Carmen Betterridge

Carmen Betterridge will reflect on strategies to support collaborative engagement between treatment providers, where clients dignity of risk and capacity for self determination are supported. Factors underpinning non-collaborative clinicians behaviour will be described, and the impact that this can have on therapeutic engagement. Carmen will also offer some helpful tips for managing dilemmas and anxieties around self determination in the context of client disclosures of suicide planning and behaviour.


7. Lived Experience and Collaborative Care, presented by Dean Southgate

Dean Southgate, Lived Experience Consultant and AOD worker will reflect on his experience in seeking support when he was in a place of emotional pain and crisis. Dean will share his reflections on the importance of collaborative approaches to client engagement and how to set expectations that meet people where they are at. Dean will offer his top 5 tips to support effective engaging with men, like him.


8. Valuing the suicide prevention workforce, presented by Carmen Betterridge

Carmen Betterridge will discuss the inherent demands of working in the area of suicide prevention, reflecting on clinical and non-clinical workforce pressures. Carmen will reflect on five domains that reflect challenges impacting the suicide prevention workforce and the importance of promoting 'self-care'. She will offer top tips for action, demonstrating that we value ourselves and our peers when working in suicide prevention.

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