Our Services
If you are feeling suicidal or looking for guidance to help someone else,
please call the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 65 94 67 or visit the Lifeline website.

Workplace Technical &
Strategic Program
SRAA are not a crisis or clinical treatment service. We assist professionals, organisations and practitioners, working to prevent suicide and self injurious behaviour in their clients, community and workforce. SRAA have a wealth of experience in delivering mental health service in the workplace. Critically, we have a Technical and Strategic Suicide Prevention for the Workplace package that has been a game changer for many clients. Read More
Supervision &
Consultation Services
We also deliver a suite of other supervision and consultation services that support you and your workplace in your professional role. Some will support, equip and empower you in duty of care and due diligence actions. Others will prove a helpful resource when you are seeking to build and consolidate your skills. Read More
Training & Webinars
Our training courses equip you to operate effectively with a variety of clients and within a broad range of workplace contexts. Training is delivered nationally, in person, mixed mode and online. We can provide short webinar sessions through to two days of intensive and immersive skills based learning you can apply.
Aged & Residential
Care Programs
Similarly, our Suicide Prevention in Aged and Residential Care Settings technical package recognises variations in residents capabilities as well as the diverse needs and capacities of the workforce. Training may be what you’re after, but what if you’ve delivered training and the results aren’t being felt? We can offer solutions to support identifying the gaps or barriers to addressing the needs you have already identified. Read More
Occupational Rehabilitation
With a wealth of experience in workplace interventions, SRAA are also leaders in understanding and engaging with stakeholders supporting recovery at work, namely Occupational Rehabilitation Providers. It should be noted that Carmen is an active member of the Australian New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine, understanding workplace injury, functional capacity and potential risk factors for suicide. Read More
Assessment & Investigations
Psychological Assessment and investigations completed by SRAA may be for a range of reasons, from psychological injury, an independent psychological assessment or pre-sentencing report, you know we deliver robust and evidence based reports. We are exceptional in our conclusions and recommendations in cases of suicidality, identifying evidence based interventions and strategies to support collaborative care and recovery, where possible. Read More
Collaborating with

Experts and Professional Speakers
Carmen is an exceptional speaker, who’s facilitation and chairing skills are also sought after. In 2020 alone, she has presented and chaired at the following events:
Psychological Health & Safety – Considerations for Inherently Hazardous Duties (Workplace Mental Health Symposium, November 2020)
Brief psycho-therapeutic interventions for suicidal crisis – A review of the evidence (International Mental Health Conference, November 2020)
Suicide Prevention for First Responders (First Responder Mental Health & Well-being Conference. October 2020)
Improving workplace suicide prevention practices beyond introductory gatekeeper training (Workplace Mental Health & Well-being Conference, October 2020)
Chair – First Responder Mental Health & Well-being Conference (October 2020)
The role of compassion in leadership (Neonatal Nursing Conference, September 2020)
Psychological Health and Safety in the Suicide Prevention Workforce (Suicide Prevention Summit, Online, May 2020)
Chair – NSW Health Conference – Suicide Assertive Outreach (February 2020)