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Kerry Gleeson

Lived Experience and Non-Clinical Aftercare Consultant

Kerry Gleeson, BA Honours Majoring in Criminology & Education, Diploma in Health, and Social Work (UK), STARS Licensed (Systemic Tailored Assessment for Responding to Suicidality)

Kerry is a passionate trauma-informed advocate for survivors of sexual assault, family domestic violence, and suicide postvention; having lived these experiences herself she chooses to use her experiences in her authentic approach to recovery and healing in promoting advocacy in mental health, with the hope to reduce suicide and the impact of trauma. Empowering individuals and their families to a journey of recovery, support, and connection.

She is a trained Lived Experience Advocate, Former National Lead, Lived Experience for WINGS of Hope (a Harm Prevention Charity) coordinating appropriate tailored grief support to family and community members after losing a loved one to suicide. Former team leader for The Way Back Service in the Northern Sydney Region – a Suicide Prevention and Recovery Service developed by Beyond Blue.

Kerry is a #youcantalk ambassador #YouCanTalk ( and has participated using her lived experiences to provide information and guidance to a number of campaigns and educational videos; such as Better off with you Campaign, presenter for PROP ( People Reaching Out to People) for an educational training video for health professionals, INNOWELL digital health platform for mental health and suicide prevention for GP’S and Clinical psychologists.

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