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Readings & Resources

We are pleased to offer you a library of resources, with handpicked journal articles across many key subject points, including theory, therapy, substance use and working with children & adolescents.


Nock (Ed) 2014 The Oxford Handbook of Suicide and Self Injury

O’Connor & Pirkis (Eds) 2016 The international handbook of suicide prevention

Simon & Hales (Eds) 2012 The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Suicide Assessment and Management (2nd Ed

Wasserman (Ed) 2016 Suicide: An unnecessary death

Watkins & Milne (Eds) 2014 The Wiley International Handbook of Clinical Supervision

Wenzel et al (Eds) 2010 Cognitive therapy for suicidal patients – scientific and clinical applications

Yeager & Roberts (Eds) 2015 Crisis Intervention handbook: Assessment, treatment and research (4th Ed)

Journal Articles

Ashfield et al 2017 – Situational Approach to Suicide Prevention

Bearman et al 2017 Building an evidence base for effective supervision practices: An analogue experiment of supervision to increase EBT fidelity

Bryan 2018 Cognitive behavioural therapy for suicide prevention (CBT-SP): implications for meeting standard of care expectations with suicidal patients

Bryan et al 2019 Innovations in the science of suicide

Bryan & Rudd 2016 The importance of temporal dynamics in transition from suicidal thought to behaviour

Carter & Spittal 2018 Suicide Risk Assessment – Risk stratification is not accurate enough to be clinically useful and alternative approaches are needed

Clark 2009 Clinical Supervision after suicide – panacea or pretense?

Conner & Bagge 2019 Suicidal Behaviour – Links between alcohol use disorder and acute use of alcohol

DeCou & Schumann 2018 On the iatrogenic risk of assessing suicidality: A meta analysis

Flynn et al 2020 Clinical characteristics and care pathways of patients with personality disorder who died by suicide

Hjelmeland & Loa Knizek 2019 The emperor’s new clothes? A critical look at the interpersonal theory of suicide

Buggins et al 2008 Suicide attempts among adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Clinical considerations

Joyce 2010 APS Code of Ethics with young people in mind

Klonsky & May 2015 The Three-Step Theory (3ST): A new theory of suicide rooted in the ‘ideation to action’ framework

Klonsky et al 2018 Ideation to action theories of suicide: A conceptual and empirical update

Kolves & De Leo 2017 Suicide methods in children and adolescents

Kolves & Koo 2019 Review of suicide clusters and evidence based prevention strategies for school aged children

Kolves et al 2020 A drink before suicide: Analysis of the Queensland Suicide Register in Australia

Mishara & Dargis 2019 Systematic comparison of recommendations for safe messaging about suicide in public communications

Mishara 1999 Conceptions of death and suicide in children ages 6 – 12 and their implications for suicide prevention

O’Connor & Kirtley 2018 The Integrated Motivational Volitional Model of Suicidal Behaviour

The Headspace Brief Interventions Clinic 2016 Brief interventions in youth mental health toolkit, Orygen

Oznur et al 2018 Relationship between suicide attempts and synthetic cannabinoids in adjustment disorder

Ramchand et al 2017 Opportunities to intervene? “Warning signs” for suicide in the days before dying

Robinson et al 2016 Social media and suicide prevention: A systematic review

Roy 2009 Characteristics of cocaine dependent patients who attempt suicide

Rudd et al 2006 Warning signs for suicide: theory, research and clinical applications

Shea 2017 Uncovering a patients hidden method of choice for suicide – insights from the Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE Approach)

Sheftall et al 2016 Different strategies needed to prevent suicide in children and adolescents

Too et al 2019 Association between mental disorders and suicide: A systematic review and meta analysis of record linkage studies

Tucker et al 2015 Risk Factors, Warning Signs and Drivers of Suicide: What are they, how do they differ and why does it matter?

Turning Point 2019 Beyond the emergency – a national study of ambulance responses to men’s mental health

Wisenhut et al 2018 SUpporting counsellors after a client suicide: Creative supervision techniques

Wojnar et al 2009 Impulsive and non-impulsive suicide attempts in patients treated for alcohol dependence


‘Feel the Magic’ is a grief program for children impacted by the suicide of a parent or sibling. It is designed to support kids 7 – 17 years and is now available ‘virtually’ – 




Links to all the readings (via Dropbox) are found HERE

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