Foundations – Self Assessment

Create your own user feedback survey

This self-assessment is used to provide some global feedback to you relevant to each module of the course, rather than identifying your specific learning needs. Don’t take the results too seriously, as the purpose of the self-assessment is to better understand whether we have achieved your learning goals at the conclusion of the course, rather than at the start!

It is typical to see that those returning a Violet result have the greatest learning needs and benefit the most from taking this course. You will likely experience the greatest amount of growth and find many new areas for future learning too. It is also likely that if you returned a Violet result, you may feel surprised, uncertain or even overwhelmed at times, as new concepts and principles are delivered.

Similarly, if you return a Blue or Green result, you will likely have some targeted learning needs, as there may be some areas you are stronger with than others, though may find some concepts familiar. Consistent with those returning a Violet result, respondents returning a Blue result may occasionally feel somewhat surprised or uncertain of what is being presented, because it may either be inconsistent to what you have been taught before, or what you were expecting. Those returning a Green result will likely feel familiar with some domains and your confidence in some domains high.

If you have returned a Yellow or Orange result, then it is unlikely that you will learn anything substantially different from your current practice, but you will hopefully have an opportunity to refine your skills and understanding. What is important to note is that unless you are literally writing the textbook or are a researcher in this space, those returning an Orange result may in fact demonstrate traits of complacency towards the process of suicide prevention, which is not an ideal outcome. We advocate for being aware and cognisant of opportunities for growth and learning, which is sometimes inconsistent with an Orange outcome. It may also suggest that you have enrolled in the wrong course – so please let us know and we will have a chat!

Naturally, if you’d like to discuss your results, please let us know!