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1. Suicide Risk Assessment Australia (SRAA)

SRAA provide high quality services to organisations and practitioners aiming to identify people vulnerable to suicidality, in addition to equipping them with evidence-based strategies for effective response and management (“Services”). Ultimately, our mission is to support organisations and practitioners to prevent suicide within their settings.

SRAA also effectively drive workplace initiatives that reduce the devastating impact of these losses through postvention support and referral.

2. The Purpose of the Privacy and Confidentiality Statement (“Statement”)

SRAA is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which protects your Personal Information and regulates the way SRAA collect, hold, use and disclose your Personal Information including Sensitive Information and Health Information. See section 12 for definitions.

SRAA is committed to respecting the privacy of your Personal Information and recognises the need for appropriate protection and management of Personal Information which you share with us either in person by attending training sessions, consultations or interviews or by telephone, email or through our website e.g. online surveys and audits.

This Statement outlines how we manage your Personal Information which we may obtain from you.

This Statement is reviewed annually, to ensure it remains up to date. It may be amended from time to time, and is available on our website at

For further information on privacy laws and regulations in Australia, please visit the website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

3. How we collect information

Your Personal1 Information

SRAA only collect Personal Information for purposes that are related to the Services and activities of SRAA.

We will, if it is reasonable or practicable to do so, collect Personal Information directly from you or your authorised representatives when you receive Services from us including when you:

participate in a psychological assessment;
fill out an application to attend a workshop or service;
complete a survey or auditincluding online forms;
become one of our contractors or associates or request assistance and services from SRAA.
We may collect your Personal Information in person via an interview or over the telephone, via email or via our website.

In certain cases we may collect your Personal Information from third parties or from publicly available sources but only if you have provided your consent to the collection or would reasonably expect us to collect Personal Information in this way. For example, we may need to collect Personal Information from your representative (such as family member or legal guardian), your employer or work colleague.

SRAA takes reasonable steps to ensure that you will be notified when Personal Information is being collected about you. Your Personal Information may also be relevant to Services and activities provided by SRAA with respect to survey data, audits or interviews conducted by SRAA for the purpose of research and development initiatives.

Your Sensitive2 and Health3 Information

When SRAA is providing Services to you, we may also collect and hold records of Health Information including information about your health, well being and psychosocial information (which may include your demographics, employment and educational history, presenting issue, history of presenting issues, psychosocial background, family history, medical history, psychological history and lifestyle information).

We are unable to collect your Sensitive Information without your consent, except in cases where there are risks to your life or as required by law.

4. What type of information does SRAA collect?

Collection of your Personal Information is often necessary to ensure we are able to provide the requisite Services to you including information to:

  • provide therapy, consultation or treatment to you or provide referral to a health practitioner;
  • enable development or delivery of training, supervision and consulting services to you that is consistent with the objectives and mission statement of SRAA set out in section 1 above

SRAA will only collect information that is reasonable and necessary to the provision of services to you. With respect to collection of data for research and development, only data relevant to the research project will be collected.

Generally, SRAA can only collect your Health Information (which includes information about an individual’s mental health and psychological status), when you have given your consent and the Health Information is reasonably necessary for SRAA to provide Services to you.

There are certain situations where SRAA is permitted to collect your Health Information without your consent including:

  • where getting your consent is not practical; and
  • SRAA reasonably believes that it needs the information to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life of any individuals (including you), health or safety, or the public’s health or safety.

5. Unsolicited information

If SRAA receives Personal Information about you and which SRAA did not solicit that information, SRAA may retain such Personal Information if it is deemed necessary, by way of risk assessment, to provide Services to you and the Personal Information will be handled in accordance with what is reasonably necessary to ensure the safety of those involved.

In the context of interviews or survey responses undertaken for research and development, information received without being specifically elicited will only be included in response data if it is deemed by SRAA relevant to the research project. SRAA will also ensure that at the end of the interview to obtain your consent to that information being used for the purposes outlined.

Unsolicited information provided to SRAA that is not deemed necessary or it does not evidence any risk to self harm or others, will be destroyed.

6. The accuracy of your personal information

SRAA makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that any Personal Information collected, used or disclosed is accurate, relevant, complete and up-to-date.

If you believe your Personal Information is not accurate, complete or up to date, please contact SRAA immediately.

7. Protecting your personal information

We take reasonable steps to securely store your Personal Information so that it is protected from unauthorised use, access, modification or disclosure. We store Personal Information in:

  • Paper form on SRAA premises; and
  • Electronic form moderated by SRAA’s outsourced IT service providers.

We take every reasonable step to ensure the practical and technical protection of your Sensitive Information is achieved, including encrypted passwords for electronic files, and ensuring any outsourced online services are appropriately protected with electronic safeguards.

Additionally, no information is available to SRAA employee or personnel unless they are legitimately engaged in the Services you are receiving. SRAA will not disclose Personal Information unless you have provided your signed written consent or that SRAA has received authorisation by other means (e.g. Guardianship Tribunal).

While SRAA has security measures in place to protect your data, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your Personal Information, SRAA cannot warrant or ensure the security of any information which you have provided to us or howsoever collected by us.

8. If there is identified risk of harm

SRAA is not a crisis response service. If you require emergency assistance you will be redirected to the appropriate service.

Should SRAA receive information about you that suggests you are at risk of harm or that you are at risk of perpetrating harm to others, we will notify emergency services and those reasonably identified as at risk. This may also include, but is not limited to your medical practitioner and other treatment providers, family and trusted people, manager or work colleague).

Use, transfer and sharing of your personal information

9. How we use and disclose your personal information


Personal Information provided by you will be used by SRAA for the primary purpose of providing Services to you or for secondary purposes that are directly related to one of our functions or activities of SRAA.

From time to time SRAA may use your Personal Information we collect to identify particular services that we believe may be of interest to you or to promote to you other services that are related to the Service provided to you by SRAA.

This means SRAA may make contact with you about how you may benefit from those additional services provided by SRAA. We will generally only do this with your consent and we will always give the choice to opt out of receiving such information in future. SRAA will not disclose your Personal Information to third parties for marketing or other activities that do not relate to SRAA.


SRAA will only disclose Personal Information for a purpose that is related to the Service that we are providing you. This may include disclosures to other health service providers involved in care or treatment (e.g. treating specialists), other government agencies, private health insurers and governmental bodies.

Any information provided to us or collected by SRAA in the course of providing Services to you is kept strictly confidential. Only the assigned psychologist and SRAA representatives have access to the information, except for special circumstances set out below. No information provided to SRAA in confidence may be released to others without the written consent of the individual.

Circumstances in which we may need to disclose or give access to Personal Information are set out below:

  • to third parties to provide health care or treatment to you. However, we will only do so with prior consent from you or, if you are unable to provide consent then where it is necessary in order to be able to provide care or treatment to you.
  • to our agents and subcontractors to whom we outsource certain functions, such as electronic network administrators. However, where possible, we undertake contractual measures to ensure that they comply with this Statement and obligations under the Privacy Act.
  • to researchers where permitted under the Privacy Act and in respect of which, SRAA will de-identify information before we disclose it for research purposes.
  • to persons involved in accrediting health practitioners. For example, a person from an accreditation agency may need to review SRAA’s information handling procedures which may involve accessing patient records.
  • in other circumstances where we are expressly permitted to do so under the Privacy Act or where we are legally requiredor permitted to do so.

Where appropriate, SRAA will de-identify information before disclosing it.

Your Personal Information may or may not be de-identified if gathered in the context of a workplace audit or survey, where no identifiable markers will be present given the quantitative analysis. For qualitative purposes, your comments or phrases may be cited in the survey analysis report, accompanied by de-identified demographic information. All reasonable steps will be made to ensure qualitative data is not identifiable if a respondent requests anonymity.

No information is available to personnel of SRAA unless they are legitimately engaged in connection with the Services you are receiving. SRAA will not disclose any Personal Information unless you have provided your signed written consent, we have received authorisation by another means (eg. Guardianship Tribunal) or security and identification questions.

While you are able to withdraw your consent at any time from participating in research, after the responses or data has been published and released (anonymity or otherwise maintained as per the initial authority or consent), it is not possible to retract this data after the fact.

In the case of individual services, such as a psychological assessment, supervision or consultation services, some Personal Information may support implementation of necessary workplace changes, where your express consent will be obtained or extensions of services.

Dealing with SRAA

10.Resolving your privacy issues

Please contact us if you have concerns about the way in which we have handled your Personal information or if would like to discuss any issues about our Privacy and Confidentiality Statement. You are always welcome to speak directly with our Director, Carmen to resolve your issue.

11. Gaining access to and correcting your personal information

You may request access to update or amend your Personal Information. Access will generally be provided in an appropriate form within 30 days of your request. In some contexts, updating or amending your Personal Information may not be possible including:

  • after a survey deadline has closed and the data has been analysed and published;
  • that it would pose a serious threat to live, health or safety of any individual or to public health or public safety; or
  • it would have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of others; or
  • if your reason is unlawful or contrary to the Privacy Act.

If SRAA is unable to provide access, we will provide reasons in writing for the denial of or limitation on access, but which may pertain to identified risks of harm to yourself or others.

12. Can I be anonymous or engage under a pseudonym?

Yes, but there are limitations. We are unable to provide Services including reports following personal psychological services, if we cannot identify you. Similarly, SRAA may be unable to include your data in needs analysis, audits or surveys for third parties, if we are unable to contextualise results to aspects of your work environment, health or community. If identifiable data is required, you will be expressly asked and your written consent sought.

13. Your health professional and your personal information

SRAA consultants and associates will manage your Personal Information in a manner consistent with this Statement. Your treatment providers and health professionals frequently value a collaborative approach to improving a patient’s health and wellbeing, including their mental health. As such, discussing a collaborative approach with your treatment providers is highly recommended.

We rely on you having provided your designated health professional with your consent to handle your Personal Information to enable our support services to be provided to you.

14. Contact us

Suicide Risk Assessment Australia
PO Box 178, Engadine, NSW 2233
Ph. 0406 935 225

15. Definitions

1“Personal Information” includes information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether recorded in material form or not, and includes Health Information and Sensitive Information.

2“Sensitive Information” includes:

  • Personal Information about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or political beliefs, membership of a union or a political, professional or trade association, sexual orientation or practices and criminal record; and
  • Health Information about an individual.

3“Health Information” includes information or an opinion about

  • an individual’s health including an illness, disability or injury of an individual;
  • an individual’s expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to the individual; or
  • any Personal Information collected while an individual is receiving a Service including any health service provided by SRAA and any services pertaining to mental health and psychological status.

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