Is this Workshop for You?
This workshop is suitable for any mental health practitioner that is looking for an introductory class in working with someone experiencing suicidality.
- This program delivers core skills and research in identifying risk factors and warning signs for suicide, in addition to exploring what is known of protective factors that may mitigate against suicidality.
- Terminology, person centred care and introductory theories (Interpersonal Theory of Suicidal Behaviour – Joiner) underpin our evidence informed training.
- We examine the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), while also discussing the benefits and limitations of this measure, and those that fail to adopt a needs basedapproach to client care.
- You will learn the existing evidence for administration of a brief psychotherapeutic intervention “Safety Planning”, together with fundamental considerations for the engagement of trusted others and referral or intervention opportunities.
- Self care is an essential component in all SRAA training.
This training is delivered face to face, blended and as an online training package. Online: Learn at your own pace, with activities to complete in your own time, over six weeks. Includes two, 1 hour live Q&A sessions and one, 1 hour live hypothetical case example review session. Face to Face: Currently suspended until further notice. Workshop participation is restricted to 12 participants to ensure maximal learning, engagement and practice/feedback opportunities. Commencement dates: Next online class commences Friday 25th February & 4th March 2022, with 2 x half day zoom workshop – 9am – 1pm AEDT. Online Time commitments: Lecture and lesson material 7 hours, plus 2 hours live Q& A (optional) and a 1 hour hypothetical case example review – (hosted on Zoom) Training Materials All included Variations and Extra Resources In-service training can be tailored to your needs if requested (currently suspended) Content Inclusions This workshop is designed to equip you with the foundational skills, experience and knowledge to save a life.
Specific focus areas include:
- Principles of person centred, empathic care – the pillar of all effective interventions
- Debunking common myths regarding suicide and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI)
- Correct terminology and language use
- Differentiating chronic/static, acute/dynamic and moderating/protective factors
- Identifying warning signs
- Application of C-SSRS and screening for suicidality
- Examination of essential components of Suicide Safety Plans
- Collaboration in a multidisciplinary setting
- Practitioner Self-Care
Follow-up or stand-alone consultation services are available. Complement your training with a professional review of your systems, procedures and environment. Testimonials
- “The opportunity to ask questions throughout, presentation with clarity, certain information and getting practical and easy to understand answers” (Psychologist)
- “Documentation for people at risk. Strategies to uncover or identify risk and interventions” (Psychologist)
- “The whole presentation and topic [was valuable]” (Social Worker)